Something that I can comment on quickly though for the sake of tenacity and this blog is matching colors.
Everyone has his or her own personal style and with that in mind one can't really go wrong. If you have confidence in yourself and can wear the makeup/outfit and keep the confidence all day no matter how many weird stares you think you see directed at you, then wear it. If you think your confidence may not stand up in the crowds then I would avoid the outfit/makeup for now rather than be stuck wishing I could change.
At a Mary Kay event there were two young ladies who were trying on makeup together and the lighter skinned girl was picking most of the colors to try and the darker skinned girl, who was less experienced with makeup, tried all the colors her friend picked and wondered why they didn't look as good on her as they did on the lighter skinned girl.
I wanted to talk to her but I didn't want her consultant to think I was trying to take her client, which I shouldn't have thought because we're both professionals and I'm sure it wouldn't have been a big deal now that I think about it.
1. I should have said your lips are not too big (as she kept saying) they are full and beautiful (appreciate what you have).
2. I should have told her that all the bright colors her friend picked looked good on her friend because her friend's lips are smaller and drawing attention to them isn't a big deal. Your lips are fuller and so attracting attention to them by wearing bright colors will make them look bigger.
3. Browns and golds will look more natural for you, if you want a bold look then try outrageous colors on a darker scale to start out.
There's also the matter of undertones. Warm colors will complement a warm undertone. Cool colors will complement a cool undertone.
Then in the end these are all guidelines that can be tossed for personal preferences, for example

Do you use similar guidelines or wear colors across the spectrum?